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Our team members are at the core of what makes EMRN such a unique network. We take pride in the diversity of the team, with each member contributing their unique skills to the projects we are working on.

Lourdes Casanova

Lourdes Casanova, Gail and Rob Cañizares Director Emerging Markets Institute, Senior Lecturer at S.C. Johnson School of Management, Cornell University. Named one of 50 most influential Iberoamerican intellectuals and one of 30 most influential Iberoamerican women intellectuals by Esglobal. Fulbright Scholar, masters University of Southern California, PhD University of Barcelona.
Co-editor with F. Cahen A. Miroux: From copycats to Leaders: Innovation from Emerging Markets. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-1-108-48686-6. 2021 Co-author with A. Miroux: The Era of Chinese Multinationals. Academic Press. Elsevier 2019. Emerging Market Multinationals Report 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017 and 2016. Co-author with P. Cornelius, S. Dutta: Entrepreneurship and the Finance of Innovation in Emerging Markets. Academic Press. Elsevier. With J. Kassum: The Political Economy of an Emerging Global Power: In search of the Brazilian Dream, Palgrave Macmillan 2014, author Global Latinas: Latin America’s emerging multinationals Palgrave Macmillan 2009. Former member Global Agenda Council, Competitiveness in Latin America World Economic Forum for Mexico, Brazil and Colombia, B20 Task Force in G20 summit, Los Cabos (2012). Board member Boyce Tompson Institute. Co-founder Ithaca Hub of Global Shapers. Op-ed writer Latin Trade, Agenda Publica contributor to CNN en español, El País and Voice of America.

Anne Miroux

Anne Miroux, former Director of the Division on Technology and Logistics at the UN Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) and Head of the Secretariat of the UN Commission on Science and Technology for Development (CSTD),  is a Faculty Fellow at the Emerging Markets Institute, Johnson School of Management at Cornell University. Beginning her career in the United Nations Centre on Transnational Corporations in New-York, she has over 30 years of experience in international trade and finance, FDI and transnational corporations, and technology and innovation policies. For several years, she directed the World Investment Reports (WIR), the UN flagship report on FDI and transnational corporations and served as the Editor of the UN Transnational Corporations Journal. Her most recent publications include, among others, the Emerging Market Multinationals Report series ( 2016 to 2021) with L. Casanova, , and The Era of Chinese Multinationals, Academic Press, Elsevier 2019, with L. Casanova. Co-editor of From copycats to Leaders: Innovation from Emerging Markets, Cambridge University Press, ISBN 978-1-108-48686-6. 2021, with F. Cahen and L. Casanova. 

Member of the Advisory Board of the Technology and Management Center of the Department of International Development at Oxford University, and Board member of NetExplo and of the Foundation for Future Supply Chains. Senior editor of the Transnational Corporations Review.   

Anne Miroux has an MBA from HEC, Ecole des Hautes Etudes Commerciales, and graduated from IEP (Institut d'Etudes Politiques – _Paris). She holds a PHD in Economics from University of Paris I - Sorbonne.  

Fernanda Cahen

Fernanda is Associate Professor of International Business at ESPM, Escola Superior de Propaganda e Marketing, Brazil. Previously Visiting Researcher at University of Southern California - Lloyd Greif Center for Entrepreneurial Studies (2018-2019), and post-doctoral fellow at Indiana University - Kelley School of Business (2012-2013), and Assistant Professor at FEI, Brazil. PhD from University of Sao Paulo in Business Administration. She specializes in international entrepreneurship with focus on strategy and innovation of high-tech companies.  Her publications include Journal of International Management, Journal of Business Research, and International Journal of Technology Management. Co-editor with L. Casanova, and A. Miroux of the book from "Copycats to Leaders: Innovation from Emerging Markets" published by Cambridge University Press (2021). Co-editor with M. M. Oliveira Jr., and F. Borini of the book “Startups and Innovation Ecosystems in Emerging Markets – a Brazilian Perspective” published by Palgrave Macmillan (2019).

Moacir de Miranda Oliveira Junior

Full Professor and Coordinator of the Graduate Program in Business Administration at USP - University of São Paulo. He worked as a Visiting Scholar at the University of Cambridge - Judge Business School (1997-1998) and as a visiting professor in universities at EUA, EU and Latin America. He is currently the Chief Editor of RAI/IMR – Innovation & Management Review. He is member of the Executive Committee of the Academy of International Business - Latin America Chapter. He is a founding member of the EMRN – Emerging Multinationals Research Network. He is the Director for Latin America of GLORAD - Center for Global R&D & Innovation . As a consultant in the field of strategy, innovation, international business and sustainability, he has been working for major Brazilian companies and for the government.

Anabella Dávila

The research and teaching of Dr. Anabella Dávila has evolved in the fields of the culture of work, strategic human resource management, sustainability, and human development. Her work examines the social logic which governs Latin American organizations.
Dr. Dávila has been a professor and guest researcher in several national and international universities and she is an active member of the Academy of Management and the SNI (Sistema Nacional de Investigadores), Level II, CONACYT.
In addition to her full-time teaching role at EGADE, Dr. Dávila has previously been Director of the Ph.D. Program in Administrative Science and Research Director at EGADE Business School Monterrey.

Diego Finchelstein

Diego Finchelstein holds a Bachelor's Degree in Economics (Magna Cum Laude) and a BA in Sociology (Magna Cum Laude) from the University of Buenos Aires and has a Ph.D. in Political Science (Northwestern University). He does research and teaches undergraduate and postgraduate courses in the areas of strategy and international business within the Business School of Universidad de San Andrés,  He is also a researcher at the National Council of Scientific and Technical Research (CONICET).

Veneta Andonova

Veneta Andonova is an associate professor in business strategy. Since November 1, 2019, has been the dean of the School of Management at the Universidad de Los Andes in Colombia. She holds a PhD from Pompeu Fabra University, Spain. She has held teaching positions at some of the best business schools in Latin America. She is an established educator, startup and entrepreneurship mentor, and researcher. Her scientific products have been published in top international journals in the areas of economics and management. She co-author two successful books: Multilatinas: Strategies for internationalization (2017) and Entrepreneurial ecosystems in unexpected places (2019).

Juana Catalina Garcia Duque

Professor of the Faculty of Universidad de los Andes School of Management, she is part of the Strategy and Entrepreneurship academic area where she works on the topics of Internationalization, Competitiveness and Emerging Markets. She is part of the MOC (Microeconomics of Competitiveness) network led by Michael Porter at Harvard University. She was part of the team that led the project and the report El Ambiente de Negocios en Colombia: Una Mirada empresarial en el 2017.
Her research and teaching focus’ is in International Cooperation and Peacebuilding. She has studied the role of international cooperation in the conflict and the construction of peace in Colombia, conducting comparative studies with several countries, has led the work with the ARN in documenting experiences of the private sector with ex-combatants. She is a member of REEDES Red Iberoamericana de Estudios de Desarrollo, of the CEI Centro de Estudios Internacionales that belongs to the Social Sciences Faculty at Universidad de los Andes, and is part of the Academic Committee of the Master in Peacebuilding.

Ricardo E. Buitrago R.

Dr. Ricardo E. Buitrago R. is a Research Professor in Strategy and International Management at EGADE Business School of Tecnológico de Monterrey. Furthermore, Dr. Buitrago is affiliated with the School of Management at Universidad del Rosario in Colombia as an associate researcher.
Before joining EGADE Business School, Dr. Buitrago served as Program Head and Dean in Universities in Colombia. In addition, he has been a visiting professor in different universities in Latin America.
His research interests are focused on the junction between international political economy, institutions, strategy, and international business. He has served as editor and reviewer for the Journal of Business Research, International Business Review, European Management Journal, and International Studies of Management & Organization. 
Before joining academia, Dr. Buitrago worked in banking and served as a consultant for various financial institutions in Colombia and Puerto Rico. He also worked as Project and Marketing Manager for multiple firms in Colombia.

Kalman Kalotay

Kalman holds a PhD in International Economics from Corvinus University of Budapest. Currently he is an External Research Fellow at the Institute of World Economics, Center for Economic and Regional Studies in Hungary. 
Kalman has extensive experience with the analysis – both from the theoretical and practical points of view – of emerging patterns of foreign direct investment (FDI), inward and outward, in various parts of the world, especially in the economies in transition. Knowledge of issues related to the activities of multinational enterprises and their implications for development, be it cross-cutting topics such as export competitiveness, the impact of international acquisitions, research and development and linkages with local firms, or sectoral questions such as investment in agriculture, extractive activities and infrastructure. Familiarity with national and international investment policy analysis both at the generic and concrete levels (in selected developing and transition economies). Experience with formulating policy advice to Governments. Drafting – and substantive editing – skills in English language for academic and policy-oriented publications on investment issues. Long publication record in academic journals. Formulation of new ideas for research on FDI. Presentation and teaching skills in both academic and public-service environments in English, French, Spanish and Hungarian languages.

Armando Borda Reyes

He holds a PhD degree from Florida International University and a MBA from ESAN University. Currently He is assistant professor at ESAN Graduate School of Business and the Director of the International MBA at ESAN. 
He is an active member of both The Academy of International Business and The Academy of Management. His areas of interest are International Business, Strategic Management, and Entrepreneurship.

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